Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Totally on top of the packing now - just weighed it and still have a bit of slack to fill - just as well as Jules rang and asked for jaffa cakes - made me consider what else I will miss -
  • Marks and Spencer food for sure!
  • Good chocolate!
  • Radio 4!

Still have some mundane tasks to fulfill and MUST pick up some dollars - have a dollar card loaded up but would be useful to have cash as well.....renting a carpet cleaner tomorrow... and going over Amanda's to go over school stuff....

Hoping the books I ordered from Pont will arrive too - I'm going to phone them tomorrow - they were quick enough to debit my account...

Spent today with mum and she seems to have the basic idea that I'm leaving for a year... she has moments when she is quite lucid about it all. Had lunch with my brother Roger and his wife in Blackwood. Phoned Lisa and found camp was postponed for a day - glad not to have that on my agneda - ugh!

Trying to get my i-pod sorted - how do you get the music separated out from the podcasts and how do I get rid of the podcasts from yonks ago that i have listened to? I have no clue!

Friday, 24 July 2009


Friday already - have collected a lush Ford KA - was up in the Forest of Dean - definitely had pangs of envy...the place as always was gorgeous - Lisa and I went back yesterday to get it and sat by the river and watched the world go by, wandered through Tintern village and wondered about the richness of life in such a community....the Abbey always amazes me - those Cistercians knew how to pick a spot for their abbeys - and there it has sat for the best part of 500 years in ruins since Henry ransacked them to swell his royal coffers to squander (and after his dad had been so careful and all!) Then we treated ourselves to a strawwberry cream tea before reluctantly heading back down the valley to civilisation - or was it? Lisa was glad to get to the garage and get some petrol - she said it was running on fumes! So it is sitting outside the house, cute as anything and then I started to try to get insurance - ended up at Swintons in Canton - Sian there is ace and sorted it all out... have even now cleaned the kitchen and started on the washing.... am getting there - looking forward to the beach party tomorrow - sun is going to shine and I am going to forget how much I have to do!

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Losing my mind, my glasses, the will to live...

Sitting here in my notoriously dark and dingy dining rom in my prescription sunglasses writing this as I can't put my hand to 3, that's right, THREE pairs of specs! What is wrong with me? (No answers, it was rhetorical)...eating peaches that according to the tin are 6 years out of date but taste just fine...Just another average day,then.
Have moved everything from the lounge that shouldn't be there - how does it all creep in there anyway - numerous magazines, colouring pencils, sets of scriptures, little toys( I know how they got there), DVDs that I keep removing to the attic, packs of wet wipes.. the list is endless and wondrous - now it's all piled up in the dining room - lounge is off limits!
Garden is looking peachy - my home teacher rang this morning and just said 'I know that garden's stressing you, let me come and do it for you'... and so he did.
The lists don't seem to get shorter but it is satisfying to cross things off them.
Other whirlwinds have calmed down and I'm grateful to know that I can leave knowing Tom has made good choices and my mum is in good hands with him.
Everyone on the Fulbright seems to be having different stresses - seems some insurance companies are happy to insure cars, houses, etc and others aren't - I'm off to see a KA this evening up in the Wye Valley so will be a lovely drive even if the car is rubbish... Paul also tipped me off about a couple of cars he has seen for sale just down the road on Whitchurch Common - I must walk by there dozens of times and haven't even noticed the cars for sale!
Took the book the kids in my class made for me to show Jo last night and read through it again -is it a compliment to be told 'you look at least 39'??? not sure - but were beautiful sentiments in there altho I may have told them too often they were the best class ever! (but they were!)
Well, going to tackle the kitchen floor and make that out of bounds as well - will have to eat out more... have the most random array of food left in the cupboards anyway...

Friday, 17 July 2009

School's OUT for Summer....

So, first day of the school holidays - as ever, didn't need an alarm to wake at 6.15 - what is THAT all about!
Have large bowl of papers on dining table to address and can no longer put any of that off - love paperwork - know what needs to be done and am excited to get it sorted - mixed feelings saying 'bye to my class yesterday - they have been the best class I've taught - what a lush bunch - I have loved the way we have worked together and they have picked up and run with so many ideas - they are going to be a great Year 6, real leaders....Also mixed feelings about saying goodbe to friends - Jan came to Mamma Mia singalong(not sure what the new neighbours made of that...although we talked through most of it!) and that's probably the last time I will see her before I go - good job I know this is absolutely what I should be doing with my life at this time - otherwise it may be too hard to do.... I would say I am mighty blessed with great friends and will miss them tons.
Tom is now on his own path and happy so it's my turn...not that I haven't been happy...but life beckons for new adventures...
Off to see the Banksie exhibition in Bristol today with Sue...bit of culture!

Monday, 13 July 2009

Getting ready for the off....

Have had so much to do that I'm a bit fed up of it all and just want to get on with getting out to the States and beginning...
Think I have it all covered now and am looking forward to meeting up in DC and then my amazing trip on the train to LA...
Have alomst decided to do the dissertation too - despite the rahs of encouragement not to do it... I just want to dress up in an academic robe!!!!(new dress,shoes,bag, methinks) - and I think it will definitely open some doors I'd like to push in the future..
So with 3 weeks to go before I leave I have to make some inroads on that research methods assignment (ahem) as well as work a latter day miracle on the house!